
    1. Asian labour migration: Issues and challenges in an era of globalization, International Migration Papers No.57e, International Labour Office, Geneva, 2002. 
    2. Diasporas and Development: Definitions and contributions, Perspectives on Labour Migration, POM9e, International Labour Office, Geneva, 2009.
    3. Policy responses to skilled migration: Retention, return and circulation, Perspectives on Labour Migration, POM5e, International Labour Office, Geneva, 2003.  French versionSpanish version
    4. Labour Migration in Asia: Role of Bilateral Agreements and MOUs for the 2006 Workshop on International Migration and Labour Market in Asia, Tokyo, 17 February 2006. 
    5. Afghan Households and workers in the Islamic Republic of Iran: Profile and impact (With Jag Sehgal and others), International Migration Papers No.98, International Labour Office, Geneva.  
    6. International migration and employment in the post-reforms economy of Sri Lanka, International Migration Papers No.107, International Labour Office, Geneva
    7. Immigration policies in South and Southeast Asia: Groping in the dark?, Presentation at Metropolis conference, Bonn, 2008 (please see file attached below).   
    8. Development, Mobility, and Human Rights: Rhetoric and Reality, Refugee Survey Quarterly (2010), Volume 28 (4): pages 165-200. Abstract.
    9. Circular migration: A triple win or a dead end  (A comprehensive review of definitions, critique of claimed benefits, and approaches of different agencies)
    10. International labour migration: the missing link in globalization (paper in Dossier on transnationalism – Böell Foundation, Berlin): 
    11. Labour migration in South Asia: A review of issues, policies and practices 
    12. Youth, Decent Work and Irregular Migration Flows from West Africa – Issues and Policies, ILO Resource paper by Piyasiri wickramasekara,  30 au 31 juillet 2007 (see English and French versions under attachments)
    13. Globalisation, International Labour Migration and the Rights of Migrant Workers,   ILO, Geneva
    14. Irregular Employment of Migrants: an ILO Perspective (Beate Andrees, Blanka Hancilova, Piyasiri Wickramasekara – alphabetical order), Chapter 6 in: Edited by: Marek Kupiszewski and Heikki Mattila, Addressing the Irregular Employment of  Immigrants in The European Union: Between Sanctions and Rights, IOM, Budapest, July 2008, pp. 297-317
    15. Something is Better than Nothing:Enhancing the protection of Indian migrant workers through Bilateral Agreementsand Memoranda of Understanding (Study prepared for the Migrant Forum in Asia, Manila, Philippines).
    16. Development, Mobility, and Human Rights: Rhetoric and Reality, Refugee Survey Quarterly, Volume 28 (4) (Abstract).
    17. Decent work, youth employment and migration in AsiaInternational Migration Papers No. 113, International Migration Programme, ILO, Geneva.
    18. Labour migration for decent work in Afghanistan: Issues and challenges, jointly with Nilim Baruah of ILO, New Paper 
    19. Regulation of the recruitment and reducing migration costs: Comparative analysis of South Asia   ILO 2014